Ohhh… cities

2 min readDec 22, 2020

Pandemic still here, people still locked in their homes, few people outside on the city streets…

I was reading about the new trend coming from work from home situation during pandemic, that people are going out of cities, moving families to the country side… or even in more long drive remote locations.

Which is fine when thinking about the tehchnical opportunities in working from another remote locations than office.

The nice part is that with a laptop and 4G connection you can run your team very easy from a miles away location. That brings us back to the city. An empty one… at least those days, nobody outside, few people in their cars, it begun to look like no life is inside.

When I start writing this article the cities without people inside is same like a bunch of concrete walls, building and streets, no life inside. Now in Christmas time the city look quite busy, of course not the same like 2019, but busy. People around running from a store to another meaning that offline stores are not dead. Yet, because it seams that we will have a new virus tuloin which will bring us insidde again. Or in the remote locations from the beginning of this article.

Running your office from home is not an ideal for most of us, for example I can run my team from home, but… uhh, home is not ideal for me. Therefore I have a question, should we, all running remote offices going somewhere else, like in the country side, or even more far remote location to work?

And if yes what gear will you take with you, apart of laptop and 4G internet connection? Could be the iPad, printer, scanner, big display, lights or else?

And if yes where will you go, in the mountain, seaside or country side?



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